A Gift in Time

Poetess in waiting

poised, imagines

premonitions and

promise, an

aspiring writer

great expectation

excites, the mind

of a poet

a vision, touch

the feel of

words’ intimacy

In the realm of boundless creative possibilities, immerse yourself in the enchanting world of a young and fervent poetess, whose words gracefully dance upon the page. With unrivalled elegance, her muse ignites a fire within, fervently breathing life into every stanza. Prepare to be captivated by the fervour and passion that emanates from her poetic symphony.

8 thoughts on “A Gift in Time

    1. Peterjoe, my sincere appreciation for your presence and response to this piece! I am always striving to ensure that the reading experience is special to each individual reader, and that each reader experiences their own individual feelings about what they have read. Poetry is a wonderful medium with which to delivery that personal experience! Have a wonderful New Year. Cheers!

  1. I am not boasing or bragging nor pretending
    I’m a Writer
    I am a Poet
    is the most creative genre in any Country-

    I returnedto wordpress.com
    to create another poetic manuscript for a book
    in 87 days I’ve created 215 masterpieces
    my creativity is profound
    my uinnovation is innovative sound
    my pruduction is 1-to-10 comprising from ABCD-TO-WXYZ-

    Copycat writers& other haters on wordpress.com
    have blackballedme
    have blacklisted me
    they can’t stop my creative flow
    of innovating all of my poems impromptu-

    Yes, I am greater than William Shakespeare
    of course I’mgreater than Khalil Gibran
    yes and of course I’m greater than all of the greats of old
    I respect them
    I congrats them
    I honor them
    yet Iam grater than all of them-

    By: Van Prince

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